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Author(s) : Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
Edition : Volume I
Call No : 657(083.74),CASL
Publication Year : 2024
Publication Place : Colombo 07,Sri Lanka
Medium : English
Publisher : CASL
Abstract : This bound volume consists of all Sri Lanka Accounting Standards applicable with effect from 1st January 2024. (SoRP), (SoAT) and Financial Reporting Application Guidelines have been issued by CA Sri Lanka, in consultation with the Accounting Standards
Keywords : IAS, SLFRS 09 - Financial Instruments , SoRP, Conceptual Framework, SoAT, SLFRS 1-First-time Adoption of SLAS, SLFRS 2- Share-based Payment, SLFRS 3- Business Combinations, SLFRS 4- Insurance Contracts, SLFRS 5- Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, SLFRS 6- Exploration for and Evalution of Mineral Resources, SLFRS 7- Financial Instruments:Disclosures, SLFRS 8- Operating Segments, SLFRS 10- Consolidated Financial Statements, SLFRS 11- Joint Arrangements, SLFRS 12- Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities, SLFRS 13- Fair Value Measurement, SLFRS 14- Regulatory Deferral Accounts, SLFRS 15- Revenue from Contracts with Customers, SLFRS 16- Leases, SLFRS 17-Insurance Contracts
Subject : Accounting Standards

Accession NoDescriptionStatus
28396 Available
28397 Available
28394 Permanent Reference
28398 Available
28395 Reference Only