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Author(s) : Drury,Colin, Tayles,Mike
Edition : 12
ISBN : 9781473791244
Call No : 657.47,DRU
Publication Year : 2023
Publication Place : UK
Medium : English
Publisher : Cengage Learning EMEA
Abstract : Management and Cost Accounting has successfully blended theory and practice. Established as the leading text in the field, it helps students learn the key concepts and processes of management and cost accounting.
Keywords : Quality Management, Management Accounting, Standard Costing, Performance Measurement, Strategic Performance, Cost Assignment, Process Costing, Introduction to Management, Environmental Management Accounting, Value Creation, Cost Management, Management Control Systems, Capital Investment Decision Making, Profit measurement, Information for decision-making, Information for planning,control, Data Analytics, Introduction to Cost Accounting, Cost Accumulation for Inventory Valuation, The Budgeting Process, Strategic Cost Management, Sustainability
Subject : Cost Accounting

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28455 Reference Only
28454 Permanent Reference